Neurodiversity Affirming and rooted in compassionate care; we take an approach to supporting children of all neurotypes that is play-based and child-led.

Best Neurodiversity Support

Our Services
Unfurling Littles LLC is a Licensed Intensive Behavioral Health (IBHS) agency and proud Medicaid provider in the state of Pennsylvania, serving Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties. We are committed to our mission of creating a culture of acceptance that celebrates different neurotypes. Our primary goal will always be to help every child we have the honor of supporting, live a life that is more closely aligned to their values. Our practice is evidence based and abides by the standards outlined by the BACB.

Child Led ABA
Child-led ABA involves following the child's lead during sessions and supporting their autonomy. Children are involved in treatment planning their perspectives are central to decision-making. With this approach, goals are customized to the specific values, priorities, and needs of each child and family.
Child-led ABA sessions look different for everyone. A therapist follows a child's lead, building connection, observing behavior with curiosity, modeling behaviors that serve the child's values, joining and supporting expansion of play, modeling developmentally appropriate and processing-specific language all while co-regulating with the child. At Unfurling Littles, sessions might take place at home, in daycare or school, community or our office.

Mentorship in Neurodiversity Affirming Care
At Unfurling Littles LLC, we offer mentoring for all kinds of practitioners in neurodiversity-affirming practices. Whether you're interested in a one-time consult on how to better align your practice with neurodiversity-affirming values or an ongoing mentoring relationship, experienced mentors are here to support you.
Our mentoring service prices are scaled to support service providers across disciplines and positions. Our goal is to make mentoring in neurodiversity-affirming practices accessible to all providers so that neurodiversity-affirming services can be accessible to their learners.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Provides a framework of how to change one’s relationship to private events (thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories) in order to take actions that align with their values through 6 core processes: acceptance, defusion, values, committed action, present moment awareness and self as context. ​

Learning Community
We believe that children learn best through natural exploration and play. Our approach is grounded in the philosophy of presumed competence, ensuring that we honor and trust each child’s abilities at every step. Over the past decade, our founder has worked extensively to support Autistic children in preschools and has consistently observed a critical issue: many of these environments are not designed with neurodivergent children in mind. Even the spaces that claim to accommodate them often resemble sterile, clinical settings. Our learning community aims to change that by creating an environment that is not only beautiful and inviting but also thoughtfully individualized to meet the unique needs of neurodivergent children, empowering them to thrive.
Unfurling Littles LLC was created out of a desire to do better for neurodivergent children and create a model of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) that does not cause harm. The only way to move forward, is to look back with open eyes. We are a small Autistic owned company and will stay that way. We are not your average agency and we don't intend to be, we are just a group of humans trying to help other humans.
Yours in service,
Maggie (Owner and Clinical Director)